Remembering Carmen

Remembering the spark of legendary Ink & Paint artist — Carmen de la Torre-Sanderson! "I started in Traffic in 1945 and my run was the Ink & Paint building," Carmen shared with me. "I used to watch the gals paint...and I became fascinated. My first big production was Song of the South." I just took to it like a duck takes to water, and I was on production after the third day of training." Painter, Shadow Painter, Inker, Final Checker, Ink Supervisor, Xerox Supervisor, this legendary Disney artist put down her brush (when most would retire), and picked up a mouse as one of the earliest computer painters of the CAPS system — topping off a 55-year career in animation. With her quick wit and hearty laugh, Carmen was always ready for anything and it was my deep privilege to cast a light on Carmen's pioneering efforts with her participation in the recent Trailblazing Women of Animation event at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences! Brava and Godspeed to this marvelous lady!

#CarmendelaTorreSanderson #CAPS #InkPaint
